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Support for Mums

Being a mum is one of the most natural parts of the human experience. From the moment of conception, nature is working its miracle of creating new life. The pregnant mother’s body undergoes many changes to create the perfect environment for the unborn baby to enter the world. These changes can throw up some challenges…

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the massage spa signature sports massage

Why Remedial Massage is so effective

The human body’s ability to protect itself can often slow the recovery process and may even cause further issues post-healing. Muscles and soft tissue that becomes dysfunctional or damaged through injury, over work or through strains is often supported and aided by other structures. Our bodies do not always know when to tell other muscle…

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massage to alleviate back pain

Do you need to suffer with back pain?

Many of us suffer chronic back pain or become accustomed to frequent bouts of pain when there is no need to. We live in a culture where back pain is expected to be a condition that we will all suffer. Statistics show that 80% of people will suffer back pain as an adult and it…

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